ATD Conference in Saudi Arabia

ATD Saudi Arabia conference is one of the legacy conferences on Learning and Development organized by Informa Middle East. Since the country is moving towards technological advancement, Saudi companies are looking for innovative ideas. Companies like Saudi Aramco are looking for creative strategies, and design thinking approaches to make in-house training more effective and quantifiable. My session was about “How to Value your eLearning course.” I think it’s important to know how impactful eLearning courses are when it comes to employee’s performance. Are those courses filling the knowledge or skill gaps? If not, then why we need those courses in the first place?

Pakistan Society of Training and Development (2018)

Pakistan Society of Training and Development (PSTD) is a leading training company of Pakistan. The company invited me to conduct two workshops in different cities (Karachi and Lahore). These workshops were focused on introducing fundamental concepts of eLearning and getting started with Articulate Storyline 360. The participants were from corporate and banking sectors.

ATD Baton Rouge (2018)

I was accepted to present at American Training and Development (ATD) at Baton Rouge. This session was focused on describing the relationship between SMEs and Instructional Designers. Shared Tips and tricks to avoid difficult conversations and get better outcomes.


Harvard Medical University (2018)

I was fortunate to present at Harvard Medical University (Boston). My talk was about the relationship between SMEs and Instructional Designers. During the session, I presented the actual scenarios with tips and tricks to avoid difficult conversations and provide better solutions.

Pakistan Society of Training and Development (2017)

I  conducted a workshop in Pakistan (Karachi) in collaboration with Pakistan Society of Training Development. This workshop was highly focused on introducing fundamental concepts of eLearning and getting started Articulate Storyline 360. The particpants were from coporate and banking sectors.